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Oh-Oh … Are You a Writing Procrastinator?

I’m often asked: how do you write so much; how have you managed to publish so many books; how do you do what you do?

The answer is: it starts with a timeline and a plan to get there. And not procrastinating about what I want to do.

My printed memoir arrived from the printer. I love the sharp colors that the cover delivers. I’m humbled by the beautiful design created by Rebecca Finkle, the visionary of F + P Graphic Design. And I now ask: am I ready to do the next stage—the push out?

I’m will past the one for the money; two for the show; three to get ready; and four GO. The full draft for my memoir, When God Says NO: Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present was done in early one February (at least, I thought it was complete); editing completed by mid-March (three of them); layout done in March; oops—another chapter started talking to me in my head and nudged me to include it (I did—hello to my time in Montana) and to the printer the first week in April.

Timelines … what and which do you set for yourself? When I work with a client, we start with objectives; I learn about “the book” to come; and we set timelines. When I know when the vision is to have a true book in hand, I can easily work backwards and set mark-off months when specific phases must be done.

Timelines … what are yours?

Timelines … they are not for procrastinators … they are for those who have a vision; for those who have a passion; and for those who have a commitment. Is that you?

Does all go smoothly as you progress? Or perfectly? Nope—there are mistakes and a few stumbles along the way. But I persisted. And think about it. If you’ve ever had an infant in your midst, he or she is a master the stumble. Moving from a crawling infant to standing to a stumbling and falling walker to a true master at zipping around on two chubby little feet is a marvel to behold.

Writing and publishing are just like that. You will stumble. You may fall down. You can even become disillusioned. But with your vision; with your persistence; and with the momentum of a goal in sight, you will do it. It’s part of the author and publishing success formulas.

What are your timelines for your writing; getting your book publishing; your marketing; your what? You do not want to get stuck on a “one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready” … and not ever go!

Writing for you,

Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 45 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers.

You can follow her professional side at where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing at

©2024 Judith Briles – The Book Shepherd™ All Rights Reserved


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